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I'm so happy to have found your blog, and I relate on so many levels. Looking for ward to more of your posts


Graham Bakeeff

Hi Megan,
I just stumbled upon your blog...one of those surfing trail of clicks that happens online. I debated whether I should post a comment but I had a connection to your article and since that is why you are writing thought I would.
It is brave of you to write about such a personal experience, although the circumstances of my separation and divorce perhaps are different I think there is a mutual rawness and surreal feeling that I can relate to. I'm not a person that gives up I always want to find a solution. I remember when I did finally say that I couldn't remain in my marriage anymore there was such a feeling of relief. Fighting for so long so hard and not getting anywhere takes its toll. For you to recognize that you weren't in love anymore and to take action (I'm sure after much reflection) I think is a incredibly difficult but admirable decision. I stayed too long. In the 5 years since I've grown immensely in ways I never would have if I had stayed, a large part of that is because of yoga.
So thanks for sharing and Larry Bird says this "I have theory that if we always give 100% somehow good things will happen." I like that.

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